14 October 2011

Make every day count...

If you are on twitter you have probably seen the sad stories this week of two beautiful boys who have been cruely taken away from their families by cancer.

There probably aren't many people now days who haven't been touched by this dreaded disease, worse still lost someone to it!

Cancer knows no bounds, whether you are young or old, rich or poor it affects us all!

My great aunty nursed her husband at home until he died of stomach cancer, it was awful, they were best friends and to watch someone suffer like that was devastating. My dads best friend died a few years ago of lung cancer, he was very ill and became a shadow of his former self, he was so lovely and I still think about him lots.

But for the sad stories there are the glimmers of hope, one of my mum and dads friends of many years  has had stomach cancer, a brain tumour and oesophagus cancer and is still alive and as well as can be. My cousin has a rare stomach cancer and after treatment to remove it and with scans every six months hopefully he can live a long and happy life.

Finally a friends mum has just recently been given the all clear from ovarian cancer, so there is hope maybe not always but sometimes, just sometimes..

I didn't run the race for life this year but wish I had and feel guilty I didn't, however I did sponsor friends and will be doing it next year for sure.

I sobbed when I read these stories and selfishly hope i'll never have to go through what must be an unimaginable nightmare.

To the families of these brave little boys and anyone else out there who has lost or is battling this dreadful disease my heart goes out to you and for everyone lets keep supporting charities like cancer research, Macmillan nurses who's work is so important.

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