3 September 2015

How to be an Allergenius with

Earlier this summer, we were invited by AO to meet with them and learn about allergies and how to combat them in the home, I was at work so I sent my hubby and the kids to find out more. 

The event took place at the Think Tank science centre in Birmingham, an ideal location to learn about these biological threats. As many as 1 in 4 of us suffer from some form of allergy, with the most common being to pollen, dust mites and mould. The ladies from AO had first organised a treasure hunt for the children to find cartoon allergies hidden around a typical home, once they found them, these had hints or tips on how to limit the impact of bugs around the home. The kids loved this and the adults found it informative too, even if some of the tips sounded like hard work!

Once we had learned about the allergies and what we could do to fight against the cause of them, we hopped over to speak with a Hotpoint representative about the new features they are adding to their products to help. These include, additional anti-allergy cycles on washing machines at 60Âșc  with extra rinses as well to kill bugs, anti-allergy cycles on tumble dryers and also a new range of vacuum cleaners with washable HEPA 13 filters to help contain as many allergens as possible.

After the informative part, we spent some time crafting and made some flowers from pipe cleaners and tissue paper, with a little help from the AO life team.

To finish of the day, we spent a few hours discovering what the Think Tank has to offer. Everything from an outdoor science play area, complete with water experiments, a human sized hamster wheel and a cart with a square wheel (it really worked!), to some enormous steam trains and a model of a spitfire with WWII dressing up. The children particularly loved the Kids City, which had a doctors, dentist, cafe and even a TV studio, they really enjoyed role playing in the various areas.

Thanks to AO for inviting us to this informative and fun day out.

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