30 July 2012

Olympics Opening Ceremony Part 2 - The Action

My Silent Sunday picture seemed to go down really well, so I promised I would post more of my pictures from the Olympic Opening Ceremony Rehearsal that I was lucky enough to go to last Wednesday.

The English Countryside
The blue waves were great fun!
The giant clouds were great for the kids!
The man himself, the fabulously talented Mr Danny Boyle
We all live in a yellow submarine.

The amazing Olympic Rings
This wasn't picked up on the BBC but the eye's were utterly amazing, they moved and blinked and left us open mouthed!
Proud of the Red, White and Blue
One of my favourite songs of all time, Firestarter by The Prodigy
The graphic equalizer was truly awesome.

I really hope you all enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed taking them, it was an honour to be there and it is a moment I will remember forever.


  1. amazing, so jealous that you got to see it live!

  2. Those are great pictures! That is wonderful that you got to be there in person.

    : 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)


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