25 October 2013

Autumn Beach Fun

This weekend saw us visit Wales for the weekend, I was all geared up for torrential rain evey day but it actually turned out to be lovely with us only getting rained on at night and a bit in the morning first thing.

The beaches in Wales are lovely anyway and so the fun didn't need to stop just because it wasn't 25 degrees with no wind.

Instead as the wind wipped around us we got to run and splash in our wellies, spot the leaves as they washed up on the beach and generally enjoy the fresh air.

Running down the very windy beach opposite the very gorgeous Barmouth.

I do love the sand dunes round here, bring back memories of when I was little and we used to walk from the caravan to the beach through them.

 Lots of leaves washing up on the beach, very pretty.

Checking out the sea weed, super squigdy.

My daughter loves splashing, she is a lot like her favourite TV piggy in that respect.

Making an 'invention' in the sand, really lovely to watch them digging, this was in the very gorgeous Borth.

It was weird to be splashing in the sea with wellies on, but I think it went down very well.

I am linking up this week with Country Kids from Coombe Mill.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Beaches are just perfect this time of year aren't they without all the crowds. Looks like you had a lovely time.

    1. This was one of the first times we had got to the beach in colder weather but we all loved and will definitely be doing it again. Thank for stopping by :)

  2. Now I'm jealous. There is nothing better than visiting that lovely part of the world.

    1. Wales is truly gorgeous, I used to go there as a child and haven't been back since. Can't wait to go back :)

  3. Such fun to be on the beach no matter what weather. It looks like the children had a fab time splashing, creating and exploring on holiday. Thanks for linking up and sharing your beach fun with Country Kids.

    1. They really did, being in the middle of England we only tend to venture to the seaside in the summer so this is a new found time to visit and we shall be back.


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