24 February 2014

Midlands Blog Meetup

This weekend I was lucky enough to meet up with some other Midlands bloggers, a gorgeous bunch of  lovely individuals who it was a pleasure to meet.

Organised by Kelly of To Become a Mum and Emma of Frugally Peachy the day was wonderfully relaxing and really well organized.

The food at The Malt Cross was amazing and it is a really lovely venue, I will definitely be taking hubby and the kids back at some point in the near future.

We also got to meet a couple of ladies from The Body Shop, they brought some new to the market items and some old favourites. We all got to try and ask lots of questions, it was really informative and great fun.

I brought a few things afterwards, including the most gorgeous smelling Chocomania™ Beautifying Oil and some Hemp Hand Protector, lots of people have raved about this and it seems to be working well after just a few days. I had forgotten about The Body Shop and I will certainly back for more goodies.

There were several great supporters to the day including Weleda, Swizzles Matlow, Poddle Pod, Baked by Me there was also a great bundle to win with lots of goodies which was won by Sarah of Seriously Shalow.

I am really excited to be able to offer a Poddle Pod to my readers soon so keep your eyes peeled.

All these pictures are courtesy of Emma at Frugally Peachy, I was too busy talking to really take any and for that I am not sorry. I really did get to talk to so many lovely ladies, and am now following loads more blogs too.

Till next time ladies x

1 comment :

  1. Wow look like you had a great time and I love the body shop x


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