22 September 2014

Magic Moments 22/9/14

The lovely Jaime over at The Oliver's Madhouse is having a well earned rest this weekend, so she has passed the Magic Moments torch on to me for a week, she'll be back next time though.

The thing I love about Magic Moments is that it gives you time to reflect on the week, from your child learning to write their name for the first time to learning to tie their shoe.

So without further ado its Magic Moments time! 

Don’t forget there is a Magic Moments page on Google+ to, so if you are on G+ feel free to pop over and add your link and visit … also I have just created a Magic Moments collaborative Pintrest board too which you are more than welcome to pin your post onto too! Feel free to email me directly  ( ) so I can make sure I am following and that I can add you to the board too.
If you are new to Magic Moments you can find more information over HERE.
Don’t forget that linkys only work when people take the time to visit and share with others. With such a large crowd linking in please don’t think you have to comment on every one. I know many of you don’t have time for this and it’s unrealistic, however please visit as many as you can manage to share some love and build community spirit.
If you would like to join in  I would love it if you would pop on the Magic Moments badge or a link back to me as it also helps others to see where you are linking up and they may decided to pop over and link up too! Remember the more people who take part and link up, the more people who are likely to visit, but this is only a polite request not a prerequisite.


  1. Thank you for hosting this week, Ellie!


  2. Thank you for having us all this week... It's no small feat!x

    1. Definitely not, so many lovely posts though i'm definitely feeling the magic this morning.

  3. Thanks for hosting :)
    Jeannette @autismmumma

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you too for linking up, its been a fab morning of reading.

  5. Thanks for having us over Ellie x


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