26 January 2015

Remembering Summer

Last year we went back to a beautiful spot in France, today I am remembering our beautiful holiday and thinking about the sunshine and happy memories with the children.

We spent many a happy hour by the lake on the inland beach...

Building sandcastles...

Splashing, exploring and looking at wildlife...

Bonjour Monsieur Grenouille...

These are the moments that we treasure, these are our magic moments etched on our memories forever...


  1. That looks like the holiday place you always remember as being fun. Hours in the sand I used to love that when mine were little

  2. I love your photos and this post made me want my summer fast =) #magicmoments

  3. lovely photos i can't wait for this summer! x

  4. A lovely look back. It feels too far away right now. rollon the warmer days #MagicMoments


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