20 October 2014

Big Energy Saving Week with British Gas - Plus Win a Hive Active Heating Kit

This week is the Big Energy Saving Week with British Gas and Netmums , so I have been thinking about what we do around the house currently and what we else we can do to save energy.

Firstly what we do, well one of the big things for us is the telly, internet, and stereo, which were difficult to turn off individually and sometimes got left on. We installed a switch from Belkin which allows us to turn everything off at the flick of one button situated next to the front door.

Around doors where there are drafts, we have draft excluders, this ensures the heat stays where it needs too. They don’t have to be boring, we have these fun ‘giraffe’ excluders around a few doors.


Our front door is wooden and lets in a terrible draft, we can’t really afford a new UPVC or composite door at the moment, so we have installed a thick curtain which blocks some of the draft.

A few years ago we had loft installation installed free of charge through a government grant, we also added some reflective material to the inside of the roof for more insulation.

These small things help to keep rooms warmer which means we don’t need the heating on as much.

When we do have the heating on we also dry our washing next to it, this means we don’t need to use the tumble drier.

We have also replaced the majority of our lightbulbs with LED ones and for those that aren't, we use energy saving lightbulbs or newer halogen ones. It goes without saying we turn lights off when we leave the room but this means that when we are in them we aren't using as much electricity.

So what could we do to improve our energy consumption? There are a few things in our house we are looking to improve over the coming year, firstly although we can’t do much to change the door we can change the letter box which currently lets a lot of cold air in.

We also have a single glazed window at the bottom of the stairs, although it is currently blocked up with some polystyrene and a curtain we need to replace it and this will add some heat to the hallway.

We also have a fireplace we don’t use, really because of the gas it uses but it also lets a lot of cold air in, we need to find a way to stop the cold air coming down the chimney.

At the moment it’s about making small changes that add warmth to the house, saving money will come I think as these changes mean we don’t need the heating on as much.

We currently put it on a set temperature so it comes on to get it up to that temperature, this means it may come on for half an hour or an hour at a time maybe a few times a day. This seems to work for us and over the last 5-6 years our gas and electric have stayed about the same even though the cost per unit has gone up.

We had a new boiler about 4 years ago and this has improved our overall usage as it is much more efficient. None of these are big changes but I think with something like this it is about small changes that don't necessarily cost the earth but save you energy.

These are just a few of my changes, this week is about the small and the big changes you can make to your home to save energy, there is so much going on over on the BritishGas Netmums hub. Room by room they will be looking at ways to save energy. 

I also got to ask a question about saving energy mine was:

What is the best way to set your heating, we have radiators all through our house:
"Set your timer 15-30 minutes before you need your room to be warm, when you wake up in the morning for example, so that it has time to reach your chosen temperature.Turn your heating off 30 minutes before you leave home or go to bed and the heat already built up will keep your house warm"
And finally, I have a competition to win a super Hive Active Heating Kit with Installation from British Gas for one of my readers, it is worth £199 and allows you to control your heating from your smartphone, tablet or laptop.

By entering via the Rafflecopter form you agree to and accept the Terms & Conditions of the giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

NB: I am a member of the Netmums Blogging Network, a unique community of parent bloggers from around the UK who have been handpicked by the Netmums team to write about products and brands on their behalf. I may have been paid expenses but retain all editorial control. 

This is a Netmum's sponsored review.To find out more click the button:


  1. My house is cold. I think most of the time its colder here inside than out. I did sew somefabric and added sand in it. Not yet finish but I think will ready by winter time. I also have lined curtains and we wear jackets inside the house.

  2. I'm always adjusting my thermostat and trv valves on my heating. It drives my wife mad.

  3. I try to make sure the children close the doors to stop drafts and heat escaping

  4. make the kids put jumpers on

  5. Turn the heating off if the windows are open

  6. Turn heating off when kids are at school

  7. Turn off lights when you leave a room and wear extra layers when it gets cold.

  8. Put extra clothes on when it gets cold rather than put the heating on.

  9. I wear layer of clotges to keep warm

  10. Use the wood burner as much as possible keep curtains closed in the evenings.

  11. i cook using my slow cooker as its cheaper than using an oven.

  12. When I'm buying a device that uses energy I try and get the most efficient model.

  13. Don't turn heat on when going to be out for the day

  14. Use heavy curtains during winter - just like my nan used to do

  15. Put more layers on during day rather than put heating on

  16. Wear a fleece over my PJs in the evenings to save putting the heating on.

  17. Turn the heating down and grab the fleece blankets x

  18. I use energy saving lightbulbs and switch off all the lights when I'm not in the room.

  19. Always make sure the light is switched off when no ones in that room. Youd be surprised how much it saves

  20. unplug everything at night and not leave anything on standby

  21. Always turn tv off at night, don't leave anything on standby.

  22. we have got rid of all draughts and pull the curtains as soon as it gets dark

  23. I have loads of blankets in the lounge and everyone know to bring jumpers to my house!
    Felicity kelly

  24. Make sure we turn the lights off when we leave a room.

  25. i'm changing all the bulbs for LEDS

  26. Only boil enough water for what I need when making a cuppa rather than then fill the kettle

  27. I cook with my slow cooker and my halogen oven, I have a shower instead of a bath and we switch everything off at the wall when we are not using it, which drives people mad when they put the kettle on and havent realised its off at the wall

  28. I use a pressure cooker and a slow cooker, + other stuff. Lots of stuff. Gas and electric are costy :(
    I SO miss my dryer....but I don't miss the bills.

  29. laura jayne bates24 October 2014 at 17:53

    turn off appliances at the plugs when not in use

  30. I've crocheted blankets for each of us in our favourite colours.

  31. Lots of layers and a cosy blanket to avoid having the heating on as often and as high.


  33. tell the kids to keep the doors closed and have some good door insulators

  34. I only turn the heating on when it is necessary, we put extra layers on if we get cold. I keep doors closed.

  35. turn the lights out when not needed

  36. I put an extra layer of clothes on during the day to save on turning the heating on

  37. Peg washing out instead of using the tumble dryer, if wet peg out in the garage and leave the door open

  38. close the living room door when the heating is on to keep the heat in. Also leave the oven door open after cooking

  39. set the timer on the boiler x

  40. energy saving bulbs

  41. I never leave anything on standby

  42. Turn all lights off and watch tv in the dark

  43. I use old pairs of jeans as draft excluders to keep the heat in

  44. I go around switching evrything off thats left on standby, and follow everyone around turning lights off x

  45. We have draught excluders at the front and back door and make sure we draw the curtains as soon as it gets dark to keep the warmth in.

  46. switch off radiators in less used rooms in the house (mark sorrell)

  47. We don't have all the radiators switched on - our house is small for the 5 of us and heats up very quickly so we are lucky

  48. Only heat areas that are being used
    Stephen Little

  49. turn appliances and lights off, put extra jumper on

  50. We keep the heating off as long as possible, all eat together (its a shared house so always a challenge!) and have extra duvets at night!

  51. We have invested in good insulation & new, draft free, doors and windows.

  52. Everything gets turned off after use.

  53. I do not switch on the storage heaters to save money. I am in the process of changing energy supplier to hopefully a much cheaper one.

  54. Make sure we switch all electrical items off when not in use :)

  55. Only heat the room we are in and keep the door closed x

  56. Only heat the room we spend most time in, close the curtains in every room when it's dark, leave the oven door open after cooking.

  57. make sure lights are turned off when no one is in the room

  58. I'm always turning lights off after people!

  59. We have energy saving lightbulbs!

  60. I would love this. Sometimes I have guests who sleep in the room where the thermostat control is - it would be great to alter the heating at a time to suit me nd the level I like!

  61. I pop a jumper on and also have a Living Room blanket when Im watching tv so I can keep heating costs low. Ive also replaced my front door with a Upvc one and I can feel the difference massively, as I walk straight into my Living Room from the Street.


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