28 September 2011

How time flies....blink and you'll miss it.

I have two children, a little boy who is three and a little girl who is eight months on Friday.

I cannot believe how time has flown, in fact I should be going back to work next week but due to having loads of holidays left I have managed to make it so I don't go back until January.

But how quick has this year gone? Am I the only one shocked by the fact it is October at the weekend?

My blog posts will, unless I have an evening free, remain short and sweet as I am all to aware of the fact whilst I am writing this my gorgeous babies are growing up around me.

I spent over a year in PND hell with my son and so have been trying to enjoy the time with my daughter as much as I can, in the hope I can keep it away this time and so far so good.

Nothing would have made me feel sadder than missing out on those first few months with both my babies, after all they aren't babies for long.

This week my daughter has discovered the art of is a joy to watch, as is her and my sons love for each other, it makes my heart melt. It is this that makes the growing up easier to deal with, I am sure they will be at each others throats one day but for now I watch their relationship grow and I love every minute.

He is in awe when she does new things and I can see the adoration in her eye's at this person who can do anything and everything.

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